The NIS Directive aimed at achieving a common standard of network and information security across all EU Member States, with a focus on operators of essential services, is scheduled for an update. Suppliers of utilities, healthcare, transport, communications, and other services need to know what changes are coming and what they need to do to comply.
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How to Manage Security Alerts in Modern Business IT Environments
The NIS Directive aimed at achieving a common standard of network and information security across all EU Member States, with a focus on operators of essential services, is scheduled for an update. Suppliers of utilities, healthcare, transport, communications, and other services need to know what changes are coming and what they need to do to comply. Since the NIS Directive was adopted in 2016, network and information systems have developed into a central feature of everyday life, driven by digital transformation. This has led to an expansion of the cybersecurity attack surface. In response to these challenges, the proposed NIS 2 Directive repeals and builds on the existing NIS directive.
Speakers Contribution
Join this session with two spokespeople from Duo Security, part of Cisco Secure: Advisory CISO Richard Archdeacon, and Head of Solution Engineering, Andy Mayle, and Mike Small, Senior Analyst at KuppingerCole for a discussion about what changes are coming, why they are being introduced, and how the scope is widening. Find out what from a CISO, CTO and analyst perspective where to start, how to approach NIS 2 from a technical point of view, what additional companies are affected, how to comply with a smaller notification period, and what are the most important things to take into consideration.
The Changing Scope of the NIS 2 EU Directive
Lead Analyst
Martin Kuppinger
As Founder and Principal Analyst, Martin Kuppinger oversees the KuppingerCole research, provides own research, engages in Customer Advisories in his role as Trusted Advisor, and acts as a Member of the Board..
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Lead Analyst
Martin Kuppinger
As Founder and Principal Analyst, Martin Kuppinger oversees the KuppingerCole research, provides own research, engages in Customer Advisories in his role as Trusted Advisor, and acts as a Member of the Board..
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